VaLarie Humphrey
“The Educators' Educator”
VaLarie Humphrey is the Educators' Educator. Her life's work is working with the Educators that mold our children.
AUDIENCES: Educators, Middle & High School, College, Parents
FEE RANGE: $7k-$15k
TOPICS: Leadership, Communication, Team Building, Improving Performance

Ms. VaL is an illustrative and motivational, as well as transformational speaker with a high level of energy.
She has spent over 28 years in the education arena. She has a way of empowering others with her words and energy. Thousands have been impacted and inspired to change their paths in life after attending one of her presentations; students, teachers, administrators and parent alike.
She is an amazing facilitator, best-selling author, dynamic coach, impacting teacher and transformational speaker. She is seen as the educator that connects with the students that are labeled "at risk." Her GRIT was developed during her college years, while attending college she made choices that caused her to be academically suspended due to a GPA of 0.923 (look at her shirt...she wears it like an S on her chest. She has been made better because of her past).
With an unstoppable mindset she obtained her bachelor’s in Education, after her first year of teaching, she received the "New Teacher of the Year" Award. She was later recognized in the "Who's Who Among America's Teachers" annual publication. While teaching, she didn't feel that she was reaching the masses of those that needed to be reached. After spending 13 years in the classroom she was encouraged to take a principal position at an alternative school. She has spent the last 14 year serving as an administrator impacting the lives of thousands.
In 2012, she founded True Eagle Beauty Foundation, Inc. where the quest is to impact lives one community at a time. Her foundation currently has chapters in four different states and it is growing greater by the day.
True Eagle Beauty currently hosts female mentoring programs from 2nd grade through age 25, current enrollment is nearly 300 and the best news is that they continuously have a record of 100% college acceptance rate!